♪ Professionally recorded samples at various Key and Bpm
♪ Professionally recorded samples at various Key and Bpm
♪ Proessionally recorded samples at various Key and Bpm
♪ Professionally recorded at various key and Bpm
♪ Professionally recorded samples at different key and Bpm
♪ Professionally recorded at various Key and Bpm
Professionally recorded royalty free loops of various music instruments at different Key & Bpm for DJ's/Producers to be used in their Music Production work
Featuring a catalouge of raw Bhangra vocals recorded in professional music studio on best of hardware featuring biggest names in Punjabi music industry to choose from
Choose the music instrument you want to be custom played to your song by the best studio musicians using latest hardware in a professional music recording studio
Amitsharmamusic has been rebranded to amitsharmaproductions offering online sale of various products such as Punjabi vocal and Bhangra vocal along wih Bhangra loops for use in California and U.k based music production work. Bhangra music producers who have been largely based in U.K before have found a newer base with new genration of bhangra music producers based in U.S specifiaclly California taking forward the musical legacy of Punjabi Folk singers. With us here at amit sharma productions you get the best of dhol and tumbi loops apart from other music instrument samples such as sarangi loops and indian snake charmer been loops. Vocals of best punjabi singers are vailable for sale specially from artists such as master saleem and labh janjua and other punjabi folk singers like Sarvjeet kaur and legendary punjabi folk singer Surinder Shinda. Sarvjeet Kaur is also famous as Sarvjeet kokewali and Sarabjeet kaur among her fans worldwide. Punjabi pre wedding video is also shot by us here in Punjab India upon latest hardware along with music video for songs of various Punjabi music artists with a professional approach. Punjabi vocal tuning servce for your vocals can be availed where we try to bring your vocal to tune note by note using software and our experience. Punjabi loops pack 2011 free dowload on internet does not have our bhangra loops content. Buy the best bhangra loops available and latest Punjabi Loops package from us whose content has been recorded by amit sharma productions in own recording studio to help bring out a uniform sound to help you mix your music better. All our latest punjabi loops pack be it Algozey loops or Tabla loops complement each other and are a favourite among almost every top muic producer worldwide looking for Punjabi Bhangra musical instrument loops with best quality and a world genre sound. Our latest addition is Dilruba loops pack. If your music requires session recording from best musicians based in Punjab India that too can be availed at reasonable cost where all the recording of Punjabi music instrument of your choice is recorded live in best music recording studio in Jalandhar which is cutomised as per your requirement and the feel of song.
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